General Parent Guide
Stepping Stones will follow the SD23 school calendar, operating from June to September, closing for statutory holidays, spring break and Christmas.
Registration forms and contracts must be completed and signed before your child enters preschool. Immunizations must be up to date.
Drop off and pick up
Please accompany your child inside the building. At no time must a child be dropped off and left unattended outside the school. Your child will only be allowed to leave the school with the authorized people as stated on your registration form. The school must be notified in advance if you require any other person to collect your child.
Clothing and footwear
Children should wear play clothes to school. Some spare clothing will be kept at the school in case of accidents. Shoes or slippers must be worn at all times in accordance with fire regulations. Slippers may be left at the school during the winter. Please ensure that all of your child's clothing is clearly labeled with his or her name.
Children should not attend school when they are ill or have a fever. Parents, or an emergency contact, will be contacted to collect a child who becomes ill whilst at school. Medical assistance may be sought if the supervisor considers it necessary and a parent or emergency contact cannot be reached.
Please feel free to bring cupcakes or other suitable small treats to school as part of our celebrations for your child's birthday.
Further Information
Full details of all policies and procedures can be found in our Parent Handbook.